About the Scholarship

Thank you for your interest in applying for a scholarship for Prosci’s Change Management Certification Program.

The JJ Johnson is a scholarship honors Prosci's 1st United States instructor and is only available to those residing full time in the United States.

Please review the information below thoroughly before applying. 

Overview of the Scholarship Process

  • This scholarship is good for a public, virtual (online), three-day Change Management Certification Program.
  • All applications must be received by the due date (see below).
  • Please note that scholarships are awarded based on a financial need. Only participants who would not otherwise be able to afford a program are eligible for our scholarships.
  • The Scholarship Committee will reach out to you within one week of the deadline.
  • You may apply for a scholarship once per 12-month period. A successful scholarship application in one period does not guarantee a successful scholarship application in future application.

General Criteria for Scholarship Applications

Each year we offer a number of scholarships for our certification program. The scholarship process is highly selective. Our field of applicants usually consists of nonprofits, unemployed individuals, or individuals employed by organizations that will not assist in their professional development. Eligible applicants have not attended any Prosci program in the past and would not otherwise be able to afford the program applied for. The number of scholarships awarded varies greatly from year to year according to available funding. If you are awarded funds, you will have 90 days to register and use your scholarship.

Scholarship and Application Specifics

Awarded funds will be in the form of a credit and applied toward tuition. The participant is responsible for costs of any course materials and venue package. Transportation to and from the venue is the participant’s responsibility.

Funding Period Application Deadline Decision Date
January January 31 February 15
February February 28 (29 on a leap year) March 15
March March 31 April 15
April April 30 May 15
May May 31 June 15
June June 30 July 15
July July 31 August 15
August August 31 September 15
September September 30 October 15
October October 31 November 15
November November 30 December 15
December December 31 January 15 of the following year


The scholarship committee meets monthly. All applicants will receive a decision notification via email by the 15th of the month.

Good Luck!

JJ Johnson Scholarship Application

Change Management Certification Program for full time residents of the United States only.

Contact Information

Training Program


I understand that I will need to bring a project to work on during the program, whether it is a past, present or future project. This will help me put the Prosci Methodology and tools into practice while at training.

What makes a good project? A well-defined project that is not too large in scope is ideal. You will need to know details about why the organization has decided to pursue this change, the project objectives and organizational benefits, who is sponsoring the change, and what groups across the organization will be impacted by the change. Being familiar with overall project details (timeline, scope etc.) is helpful.

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