Explore the Levels of Change Management

A Collective Industry Hug

Karen Ball

3 Mins

If you’ve heard me speak on a Prosci webinar, you’ve probably heard me say that we are "people people.” When I say this, I’m referring to “we” as professionals in the discipline of change management as well as “we” at Prosci. Collectively, we make a difference by meeting people where they are and providing actionable steps to make change faster and achieve results sooner. Our ability to do this stands on the shoulders of others who helped us get where we are today.

A shared Passion for Change Management

Each of us in this discipline shares a passion for how we treat people during change. We talk about things like current state, transition state and future state. We talk about organizational outcomes being the collective result of individual change. For the thousands of individuals and organizations around the world who have adopted the ADKAR Model in their change management programs, we talk about the five elements of successful individual change. And we talk about change management as an enabling framework for managing the people side of change.

If you search the internet for “What is Change Management?” you will likely get this in your search results:

“Change management is the discipline that guides how we prepare, equip and support individuals to successfully adopt change in order to drive organizational success and outcomes.”

Those aren’t just words―they are a commitment to the people who comprise our organizations and our communities. Living out that commitment is what makes us “people people.”

The people behind Prosci

The people behind Prosci are committed to continually searching for better ways to manage the people side of change in a structured, repeatable way. Focused exclusively on the discipline of change management, we exist to serve people who are serving people. We are a team of professionals, some of the most knowledgeable in the industry, who work every day to realize our passion and our purpose: to help individuals and organizations build change capability.

The people behind Prosci are instructors, training managers, virtual program producers, logistics teams, and production and shipping experts. We’re back office professionals and client-facing change advisors who come alongside your change initiatives to help you build change capability. And we’re a team of senior leaders who work every day to guide our mission and vision of being globally recognized as your go-to partner for change success.


The impact we make together

One of Prosci’s value pillars is “Impact.” To us, impact means being proud of the people we are, the work we do, and the difference we make. Each of us at Prosci and each of you in the change management discipline is driven by the impacts we make together, and that keeps us focused and energized even during difficult times. When we shift our attention from talking about what we do to what we deliver, we increase our impact on those who need us most. After all, we are people people.


Recognizing those who helped us get here

Our work does make a difference. And there are people in the industry whose shoulders we stand upon to elevate our work as individuals and organizations. One such person is Tim Creasey, Prosci’s Chief Innovation Officer. 

Many of the words you read above are Tim’s. Tim started with Prosci 20 years ago this month. Joining Prosci founder Jeff Hiatt in January 2001, they explored the research-based discovery that successful change can be modeled and repeated. And building on the key concepts Jeff first wrote about in 2000, they introduced the ADKAR Model to the world.

Fast forward to 2021 and you have the rich story behind Tim, Prosci, and the change community. Tim has led two decades of meaningful work at Prosci with curiosity and great ideas, passion and intent. Many of us can recall the first time we heard Tim in a webinar, speaking engagement, training program or phone call. Many of us have learned from the more than 20 years of research Tim has led, which comprises the largest body of knowledge on change management in the world. Thousands have benefited from his ability to make connections, communicate eloquently, and endear himself to others. His gifts can ignite a spark that makes us want to be better people people.

Tim Visual Facilitation

Celebrating 20 Years of Impact

Don’t worry, Tim isn’t going anywhere! But it is a great time celebrate Tim’s 20 years of contributions to the change management discipline and pause to express our gratitude for his work. Lately, Tim claims that working from home has given him “hug withdrawal.” The ability to shake a hand, share a laugh, or exchange a hug means a lot to him. He is one of the people-est people I know. Will you join us in giving him a collective industry hug?

Tim frequently says, “Everything in moderation except grace and gratitude.” Can you share your gratitude or a meaningful memory with Tim? If you don’t know Tim, we hope you will pick another person in your life upon whose shoulders you stand and send a thank you or shared memory. Like Tim, we could all use a collective hug right now―virtually, of course!

Email a Virtual Hug to Tim at myprosci@prosci.com.


Karen Ball

Karen Ball

Karen Ball is a Senior Fellow at Prosci. Previously, she served as Prosci’s Executive Vice President of Research, Product and Marketing. For over 40 years, she has helped individuals and organizations implement effective changes and achieve the desired benefits as a result. Karen is a Certified Change Management Professional™ (CCMP™), Prosci Executive Instructor, and Change Advisor who frequently shares her passion for all things ADKAR and change management in webinars, customer presentations, podcasts and conference keynotes.

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