How Change Management Shapes the Future of the Energy Sector

The energy sector is in a state of flux. Today, change management in the energy sector isn’t a nice-to-have, but a must-have for several reasons:

Political influence

As governments control key factors that shape the global energy landscape, geopolitical developments, and policy decisions can have a big impact on oil and energy markets.

These critical policy areas include support for conflict-affected energy regions, climate and clean energy ambitions, trade relations between major economies, and management of geopolitical tensions.

Consequently, changes in any of these domains can send ripples through the globally interconnected energy market. Without an effective change management strategy, this can affect employee engagement and productivity levels.

Technological shifts

The energy industry is undergoing a major shift as it moves from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources, adopting eco-friendly production methods to reduce carbon footprints.

Companies must update their legacy systems and adopt new technologies to navigate this transition successfully.

Technological advancements, like automation, data analytics and digital transformation help improve efficiency and the ability to adapt to energy market changes.

Regulatory compliance

Governments worldwide are introducing regulations to encourage the adoption of clean energy and decrease carbon emissions, forcing energy companies to adapt their operations, which leads to new processes, systems and other impacts on employees and stakeholders.

As government and society increasingly prioritize sustainability and corporate responsibility, the energy sector faces impending privatization and stricter environmental regulations, which will require timely, widespread adoption across the workplace.

Market changes

The energy sector is undergoing a huge transformation with the global transition to renewable and sustainable energy solutions. Fluctuating oil prices are also reshaping market dynamics and intensifying competition within the industry.

While not all changes affect people’s work, incorporating a change management strategy to your organization can support changes to job roles and location, compensation, systems, compensation and process updates.  

Organizational changes

The energy sector is bracing for a wave of company and customer consolidation, mergers and acquisitions, and cultural shifts as it adapts to emerging market conditions and technological advancements. As a result, energy companies are changing their business models, strategies, operations and processes.

These changes directly impact employees' work. Failing to effectively manage the human aspect of these changes can result in project setbacks, increased costs, employee burnout, internal resistance and diminished returns on investment.

This is where change management in the energy sector comes in. By providing clear communication and the right training, reducing uncertainty, and building a supportive work environment, change management helps energy companies navigate market shifts while supporting their workforce through these changes. Because energy companies don't change—people do.


How the Energy Sector Gains Agility With Expert-Led Change Management

Expert-led change management in the energy sector transforms challenges into opportunities for growth and innovation. With the right change management approach, energy companies can confidently navigate the complexities of the industry, emerging stronger, more resilient, and well-positioned for future success.

The Prosci approach is unique because it focuses on helping individuals navigate change. It helps people understand the reasons behind the change, aligns and moves everyone toward shared objectives, and supports them along the way. This collaboration, combined with a systematic application of change management approaches like the Prosci Methodology, encourages a change culture that employees can get on board with.

Change management engages stakeholders across the organization and promotes buy-in and a sense of shared ownership in the change process.

Meanwhile, strategic transition management ensures that business operations remain stable and while minimizing disruptions during times of change.

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Challenges Faced While Navigating Change Management in Energy Sector

The energy industry faces several challenges amid the industry and economic shifts and managing these changes can be tough.  

Upgrading legacy systems to support new technologies is often complicated and costly. Energy companies must also keep up with environmental and safety rules changes, which can be a constant challenge.

Bringing in renewable energy sources is another hurdle that requires technical know-how and careful planning. Moreover, energy prices and demand can shift unexpectedly.

Caught in the midst of all this, employees may struggle with:

  • Feeling overwhelmed by the volume and ongoing pace of changes
  • Exhibiting resistance behaviors related to adopting new systems, processes, tools and other changes
  • Learning new skills required to succeed in their roles

Effective change management in the energy sector prepares and equips people to adopt and use important changes while building a change-ready culture.

Using a proven, research-based methodology is key to ensuring successful initiatives.

Prosci Experts Know the Value of Change Management in the Energy Sector

The energy market is constantly evolving, and navigating these changes requires expert insights. Prosci experts understand the nuances of change management in the energy sector and have specialized experience to guide companies through their unique challenges.

Our seasoned change experts are adept at assessing the political, technological and regulatory shifts that impact the energy industry. We employ structured change management approaches, such as the Prosci Change Triangle (PCT) Model, the Prosci ADKAR® Model and the Prosci 3-Phase Process.

Prosci approaches can include tailored training, licensing of Prosci tools and approaches, and expert consulting and support from Prosci Advisors. The right approach ensures success while minimizing operational disruptions during critical changes.

We engage stakeholders from all levels, fostering a culture of collaboration and resilience. This inclusive approach guarantees that the organization is aligned and prepared for the changes ahead.

With our strategic planning and expertise, energy companies manage change with confidence and achieve lasting success.

Meet Prosci Energy Sector Experts

The energy sector has been going through many changes to support the movement to clean energy. Change such as grid modernization to optimize reliability and environmental safety, and implementing transformational technologies to enhance the customer experience have increased the need for change management to ensure adoption, sustainability and ultimately a safer, cleaner future.
Deborah Firth
Former Change Management Consultant
Columbia Gas of Ohio, Public Utilities Commission of Ohio, and American Electric Power
Energy and utility companies are moving towards achieving a carbon neutral footprint, driving a shift towards digital transformation and Agile ways of working. The Prosci Methodology and 3-Phase Process, coupled with ADKAR in an Agile setting, is driving successful adoption of new ways of working to reach these goals.
Brandon Richie
Former Transformational Change Manager
National Grid

Why the Energy Industry Is Investing in Change Management   

Once known for its conservative approach to adopting new operational models, the energy sector now finds itself at the center of major transformations driven by global demands for sustainability, increased regulatory pressures, and rapid technological advances.

Energy companies today recognize the need for a holistic approach to managing these transitions.

Former state

In the past, the energy sector relied heavily on project management, focusing primarily on technical implementation while often neglecting the human aspect. This oversight led to resistance, confusion, and poor stakeholder engagement, making it harder to implement new initiatives.

At Sunflower Electric, a previous ERP implementation nine years earlier left a negative impression on employees. The "ghost of projects past" contributed to resistance and skepticism when the company embarked on a new ERP project.

Future state

Today, there’s a growing understanding that effective change management must encompass both the technical and human sides of change.

Sunflower Electric's successful ERP implementation, which incorporated Prosci change management strategies, shows the value of focusing on the people side of change.

The company is now building enterprise-wide change management capabilities, with executives, managers and employees embracing the Prosci ADKAR Model.

Transition strategy

Energy companies increasingly apply structured, research-backed change management processes to bridge the gap from the current state to the desired future state.

Sunflower Electric's transition strategy involved a holistic approach, including training employees at all levels, engaging Prosci Advisory Services, and acquiring an Enterprise Change Management license.

The Prosci Methodology offers a proven approach to enable the people side of change and deliver organizational results.

It consists of three key components:

By applying this methodology, energy companies can effectively manage the human aspect of change, drive adoption, and achieve desired business outcomes.

The Prosci Methodology

Diagram showing Prosci Methodology.

Your Successful Change Journey Begins With Prosci

Implementing structured change management practices can significantly boost success rates for energy projects, making them up to seven times more likely to meet objectives.

Correlation of Change Management Effectiveness With Meeting Project Objectives

Graph showing correlation between change management effectiveness and meeting objectives

The energy sector faces unique challenges like market volatility, geopolitical issues, and rapid technological advancements. These challenges call for a flexible yet structured change management approach.

Effective change management in the energy sector goes beyond simple communication. It involves engaging deeply with stakeholders to identify root causes of resistance, prepare and equip people for change, and support successful transitions.

Our Prosci 3-Phase Process bridges the gap between individual and organizational change by providing a structured, scalable approach:

Phase 1 – Prepare Approach

Prepare the change management approach by defining success, impacts and the approach needed to achieve success.

By developing a customized, scaled change management strategy with sponsorship and commitment, we position the change for success.

Phase 2 – Manage Change

Develop specific plans to move impacted individuals and the organization through their ADKAR transitions, and then measure, track and adapt performance. The purpose is to get impacted individuals and groups on board with the initiative or project by equipping them for the change through target actions and support.

Phase 3 – Sustain Outcomes

Achieve the project's benefits and focus on sustaining the outcomes. Review performance to assess where you are now, and then activate sustainment by determining what is needed to ensure the change sticks.

Finally, transfer ownership by identifying who will assume responsibility and sustain the outcomes.

The purpose is to reach the desired outcomes from the project by ensuring adoption and then aiding the organization in sustaining the changes.

Let’s Work Together To Drive Change Success in the Energy Sector

Prosci partners with energy companies to build change-ready organizations that adapt swiftly to industry shifts and organizational changes.

Structured frameworks for change management

We use research-based, proven to help energy companies develop and enhance their change management capabilities.

Employee certification

We certify employees in change management or help you build your own training team, creating internal experts to lead and support change initiatives.

Change management implementation support

We support clients implementing change management models, processes and tools to facilitate seamless integration of new systems and technologies.

Tailored training and support

We offer tailored training and support to build a widespread understanding of change management processes within energy companies.

Tools and strategies for transition

We provide tools and strategies to minimize resistance to change and maintain operational integrity during significant transitions.

Networks of change agents

We can help you develop networks of change agents who drive change initiatives effectively across different business areas.

Increasing change management maturity

We help energy companies measure and increase their change management maturity, enabling continuous improvement, faster progress, and higher success rates.

Compliance with regulatory changes

We advise on change management practices to optimize compliance with regulatory changes and industry standards.

Expanding change management practices

We expand change management practices across organizations, enhancing the overall agility and resilience of organizations in the energy sector.

How Prosci Supports Energy Leaders To Drive Change and Innovation

Prosci Case Study – Driving adoption of ERP system and more

Sunflower Electric Power Corporation faced high resistance to change during an Oracle Fusion ERP implementation that would impact employees across the organization.

Partnering with Prosci, Sunflower Electric launched an Organizational Change Management initiative, embedding change management through Prosci eLearning, custom workshops and training programs. 

This strong change management foundation helped the successful implementation of the ERP system, which delivers capabilities for timecards, expense reports, work orders and purchase orders.

Sunflower Electric continues to build change capabilities internally through Prosci Train-the-Trainer credentials.

Read the full Sunflower Electric success story.

Prosci Case Study - Addressing global business challenges

After a merger, energy and utility company Avangrid needed to adapt quickly to global business challenges and updates in the utility industry, such as smart grids. The leadership made change management a main focus to help the company evolve.

Partnering with Prosci, Avangrid established a change management office, adopted the Prosci Methodology, and built a change agent network of 20 certified change professionals.

This led to successfully implementing a new SAP system for 4,100 employees and improved change maturity by two levels.

Read the full Avangrid success story

Change Done Right in the Energy Sector

Prosci offers extensive support to help energy companies minimize disruptions, maintain productivity, and equip people to adopt new processes, systems and other changes. We work with teams to build capabilities, so you grow stronger from change.

Here are some of the ways we can help you:

Advisory services
Expert guidance tailored to energy sector needs, from regulatory compliance to technological upgrades.
Enterprise training
Specialized training programs designed to equip teams with the necessary skills to effectively manage and lead change.
Access to the Prosci Methodology, including proprietary models and tools, ensuring that companies have the best resources at their disposal. We support our client partners across all stages of the change lifecycle.