On-Demand Webinar

Prosci Change Management Success Story Showcase

Learn how Prosci clients are applying change management best practices to improve project outcomes and build change capability. In this interactive webinar, we will explore key themes and common challenges in real-world projects and change initiatives. Learn from change leaders around the world by exploring the decisions they made and the actions they took to achieve successful change outcomes.
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The Burning Platform to Develop Change Management Skills, Knowledge and Competencies

Building enterprise change capability and resilience to change requires an understanding that it must be treated as a project and a change. Organisations that invest in internal change management capability can remain agile and adopt solutions more rapidly. In this exclusive session, Jean Stevens, Head of Change at The Met Office shares her story on building enterprise change capability within The Met Office.

Growing Organisational Change Management Capability at Anglian Water

Join Anglian Water's Head of Change Rachel Butler and Prosci Europe's Imogen Parnham-Kenny in this lively and interactive session where they'll be covering how AWS developed and built change capability by putting leadership and change culture at the heart of their initiative. This initiative was so successful, that Rachel won Best Capability Builder - Europe 2023 at the Change Awards this year! Come along and get the opportunity to ask questions and gain valuable insight from an organisation currently embarking on an Enterprise Change Project to build change capability with its people.