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How to Get Support and Funding for Change Management Training

2 Mins
Updated: November 1, 2024
Published: November 8, 2023

If you’re ready to earn change management certification but need buy-in and financial support from your
organization, you need to present a convincing case for its value. Organizations, budgets, and the projects you support vary widely, so your justification must be tailored. What matters most to your organization? Use the appropriate content, links and discussions to help substantiate your unique case.
Immediate Organizational Benefits
of Prosci Change Management Training
Does your manager know that effective change management helps you save money and time, and increase return on investment (ROI) on projects? When budgets are tight and revenue dips, it’s more important than ever to achieve the higher levels of adoption and project success that change management delivers.
Here’s why attending Prosci’s Change Management Certification Program now will help your organization:
1. Complex, organizational change isn’t slowing down.
Prosci research shows that ERP and CRM systems implementations, electronic health record systems
implementations, IT software and hardware upgrades, and global digital transformations are still happening.
The same goes for process improvements, culture changes, reorganizations, mergers, office relocations,
and other organizational changes.
2. Project failures are costly.
Rework, budget overruns, and missed deadlines come with a cost for your organization. When resources and
funding are tight, getting changes right the first time matters even more. Our research shows that projects with
effective change management are 7X more likely to meet or achieve project objectives.
3. Structured approach = success.
Among our research participants who applied a particular methodology, 59% achieved good or excellent levels of change management effectiveness, while only 26% achieved the same success with unstructured approaches.
4. Hands-on project experience means you can apply skills immediately.
During the program, you work on a real project from your organization with expert guidance. After three days, you emerge with a strategy for your unique change and solid progress on tactical plans to jumpstart your success.
5. Digital tools will guide your ongoing practice.
Prosci’s digital tools, including Proxima, guide you through the change management process and support your change management work with data and insights to achieve more successful change.
6. Change management increases people-dependent ROI.
If your project’s success depends on people adopting and using it, change management will help you achieve your expected ROI. In fact, the more dependent a project’s benefits are on adoption and usage, the larger the
contribution that effective change management makes.
Talking Points for
Informal Conversations With Managers
You know Prosci’s global reputation and value, but your manager may not. These talking points can help you discuss the value of Prosci Change Management Certification at the high level managers prefer:
Proven best practices
Prosci is widely recognized as a global leader in change management research and training—more than 80% of the Fortune 100 choose Prosci. Attending their certification program will provide me with access to the latest industry research, best practices, frameworks, models and methodology, ensuring that our change management initiatives are based on the most up-to-date and effective strategies.
Prosci 3-Phase Process
Comprehensive curriculum
Prosci’s certification program offers a comprehensive curriculum that covers all aspects of change management, from planning and implementing change initiatives to addressing resistance and building employee engagement. The program’s focus on practical application ensures that I will gain the knowledge and skills necessary to successfully lead change efforts within our organization.
People-focused methodology
The Prosci ADKAR Model, which is at the core of the Prosci Methodology, is widely implemented across organizations around the world. Because organizations change one person at a time, learning to apply the Prosci Methodology will equip me to effectively identify and address resistance, and guide our employees through the stages of Awareness, Desire, Knowledge, Ability and Reinforcement at scale, ensuring greater adoption and usage of project changes and organizational initiatives.
Get Approval and Budget for Change Management Training
Need more help crafting your case for attending change management training? Download our guide, which includes the information above, instructions for demonstrating the value of training in terms of project ROI, and a fill-in-the-blank letter you can tailor to make a formal request for support and funding.